Thursday 20 December 2012

Research and planning podcast for january

This is my podcast for January, it says what I need to complete before my deadline in February.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Research and planning progress on contents page

This is my progress on the contents page I have created, I need to add the images of my contents page model and some images of props and items e.g. clothes that will go with the theme of pop as this is traditional to the pop genre.

Research and planning my progress so far

This is my progress so far on creating my music magazine and I am showing you some of the editing I am doing towards my content page to show improvements that I think would make my magazine look better.

Research and planning font type for double page spread

We have been researching the type of fonts to use for our double page spread article about what is appropriate to use andwhat isn't. For example big bold font isn't appropriate as you want to define the title from the story/interview etc. so the type of font you could use is Cambria, Adobe Calson Pro, Times New Roman, Naslerville as these are clear and look classical to use.

Friday 7 December 2012

Research and planning extra post

Over the weekend I am going to take my pictures for my magazine so I can upload them on my next lesson to make my magazine look more like a magazine.

Research and planning progress on contents page

This is my progress on my contents page, I decided to change the way my contents page looked as I though it looked to unprofessional and I didn't like the layout I did on the previous post, I think this looks much better and more like something a customer would buy.

Friday 30 November 2012

Research and planning progess on magazine cover

This is an update on my music magazine, I decided to change some things around as this looks more grown up and also more professional.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Research and planning: magazine cover progress

Today I have been creating ideas for my music magazine, this is what I have come up with so far.

Sunday 25 November 2012

Research and planning poses for magazine

Here are some poses that could be used for my magazine front cover and contents page, they look very stylish and engaging with the audience which is my aim for the magazine.

Friday 23 November 2012

Research and planning: background

As you can see all the backgrounds on these pop albums are plain and this is what I am going to use on the front page of my magazine, a plain white background to make the font and images to stand out.

Research and planning: location shoot research

For my location shoot I am having a variety of places to shoot my photographs, for my main front cover of my magazine I am shooting the photograph outside to get the best lighting possible for the front of my magazine and for the props as its a pop magazine which includes make-up, perfume and clothes I will be shooting this indoors as I don't need a specific lighting for these shots but I am going to make the shots more professional, and as for my contents page shots I will also be shooting these indoors in an environment which relates to the pop magazine theme.

Research and planning: Make up tests

Research and planning: Shooting Schedule

This is my shooting schedule that I will follow throughout the course of my photo shoot.

Research and planning: Shot list

This is my shot list that I have prepared to go off for my magazine shoot, the location will be in college in the media room. 

Friday 16 November 2012

Research and planning thought post

I think I might do my double page spread on a interview of the artist on my front cover, this interview will be exciting and shocking news as I want to engage my readers into the magazine, I will do this by having a hint on the front cover on whats inside.

Research and planning risk assessment

This is my risk assessment.

Research and planning location reece

This is my location reece and it tells you where I will be taking my photos and the descriptions of how I can make the best photos possible. 

Research and planning double page spread types

This is a example of a story in a double page spread. 
This is an example of an interview for a double page spread. 

    This is an example of a diary for a double page spread.

This is an example of an album review for a double page spread. 
This is an example of news for a double page spread.
This is an example of an artist, giving you in site on their life.

Thursday 15 November 2012

Research and planning model headshots

These are some model headshots that I had to collect as part of my music magazine task.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Research and planning extra post

This magazine cover has give me an idea on how I want mine to look like, with the white background and all the colours on it, it looks like a traditional pop magazine and the prop (camera) makes it look original and fun.