Thursday 20 December 2012

Research and planning podcast for january

This is my podcast for January, it says what I need to complete before my deadline in February.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Research and planning progress on contents page

This is my progress on the contents page I have created, I need to add the images of my contents page model and some images of props and items e.g. clothes that will go with the theme of pop as this is traditional to the pop genre.

Research and planning my progress so far

This is my progress so far on creating my music magazine and I am showing you some of the editing I am doing towards my content page to show improvements that I think would make my magazine look better.

Research and planning font type for double page spread

We have been researching the type of fonts to use for our double page spread article about what is appropriate to use andwhat isn't. For example big bold font isn't appropriate as you want to define the title from the story/interview etc. so the type of font you could use is Cambria, Adobe Calson Pro, Times New Roman, Naslerville as these are clear and look classical to use.

Friday 7 December 2012

Research and planning extra post

Over the weekend I am going to take my pictures for my magazine so I can upload them on my next lesson to make my magazine look more like a magazine.

Research and planning progress on contents page

This is my progress on my contents page, I decided to change the way my contents page looked as I though it looked to unprofessional and I didn't like the layout I did on the previous post, I think this looks much better and more like something a customer would buy.