Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Research and planning magazine progress

This is my progress up to now, I have added an image to my front cover and made my contents page the same colours as my front cover to make it more consistant.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Research and planning photos

These are some of the pictures I have taken for my magazine to try and go with the theme, I have taken some shots of the products and items that I own to create the pop theme of clothes and perfume and I have also took the pictures of my front cover model in various outfits to see which photo suits my magazine best.

Research and planning double page spread analysis

I have annotated a double page spread magazine to help me with ideas of my magazine, as I have analyzed a pop magazine I am able to take some of the ideas of this double page spread to used within mine.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Research and planning recce on my front cover and double page spread

This is the recce information about my front cover and double page spread images to explain where they will be taken and the information about the shoot and what the risks will be and how I can solve them to get the best out of this shoot.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Research and planning update

This is an update of my magazine, I have started to add my photos to my magazine so it is starting to look complete, also I have changed my masthead to make it look more like a pop magazine.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Research and planning to do the lesson I go back

Change the colour of my magazine so it is consistant and upload my front cover image onto my magazine.