Thursday, 28 February 2013

Research and planning make up tests

I had to do make up tests on my model to see which look I thought suited my magazine better. I tried various make up tests on her but some didn't suit the style of my magazine. For example heavy eye makeup, I tried this and I thought it looked to dark and made it more in the style of R&B, so I decided to use quite plain make up on her so she looks fun and natural to go with the pop genre and used pale lipstick of pink to also go into the 3 colour rule I have used.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Research and planning final edit on cover of magazine

I have made the background on my front cover slightly pink so it looks more complete as I thought the white background looked a bit to bright so this makes it look more professional and well thought out.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Research and planning final magazine

This is the final copy of my magazine.

Research and planning picture for content

This is the picture I am going to use for my contents page as I think she looks like a typical pop girl by the clothes she is wearing and her facial expression on the camera.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Research and planning progress on double page spread

This is my progress on the double page spread, I have used colours to go with the theme and I just need to add the interview questions.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Research and planning changes

I have changed the brightness on my magazine as I thought the natural image wasn't engaging enough to my audience now you can see the model clearly on the front of my magazine.

Research and planning contents page analysis

I have analyzed this pop contents magazine to give me some ideas on the elements that I could include in my magazine.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Research and planning: start of double page spread

This is the start of my double page spread, the font I have chosen to use goes with the theme of the interview I will be having with Ovine. The interview is all about being an up and coming celebrity. The interview questions that I am going to ask Ovine will be placed in small writing on the left below the masthead, the questions in one colour and the answers in another. In the middle of this text I will have pop out bubbles to highlight some of the answers that she has given. On the right of the page next to the masthead there will be a long shot image of Ovine and then quotes that she has given down the side of the image to make the double page spread look fuller.

Research and planning pictures for contents

I was going to use this picture on my contents page but I decided an individual photo would look better so I decided to leave this photo off my magazine as I could get one which is better quality.

Research and planning audience feedback