Sunday, 30 September 2012
Research and planning collage
This is the collage I created to express what I thought I could use for ideas in the magazine and the variety of colours that could be in a pop magazine and the style of the individuals.
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Research and planning evaluation
Cover of my magazine: I have used 3 colours on my magazine as I know that a magazine has a typical 3 colour rule. The colours i have used for my college magazine are pink, blue and green. Then I have the basic colours white and black to give the finishing touches to my magazine to make the 3 colour rule stand out to the readers. I used these colours as it looks fun, bright and noticeable and I got the idea of these colours through the actual Hyde Clarendon colours of the college which I thought would be appropriate. I believe that the font sizes of my magazine are well thought out as a typical magazine has a masthead which has much bigger font that everything else and this is what i have stuck to as it makes the masthead stand out from everything else and this is the first thing my target audience will look at and this would give them the introduction of what this magazine will be about. As for the cover lines I have done these much smaller than the masthead which is stereotypically what you would see on any kind of magazine. I have done the cover lines all the same font so my magazine is consistent throughout and will flow easily for my audience to read. Although I think my publishing line could have been a bit bigger looking at the full effect of my magazine, I think this would make it stand out more as I think it looks slightly lost within the magazine cover. The photograph I have taken to go on the main cover as my magazine is clear and not blurred which i think is good as it has to stand out as this what what everyone will have their eye on. I think my photograph is appropriate as my magazine is to do with college so i have took an image of a student that actually goes to the college presented and has typical student clothing on. I do think the cover lines on my magazine front cover are appropriate as they are to do with the college and the things going on in and around college. One cover line says 'best A-level's in the area' and the picture of the student is all smiles which shows she is happy with the college and wants the best for herself.
Contents page: I have stuck with the 3 colour rule throughout my magazine as I have used the same colours on my contents page as I have the front cover which is pink, blue and green. I have used the same font for my masthead and my cover lines for the consistency of my magazine to make them look like the are part of the same magazine which I think is a typical thing to do to make your magazine look complete. I think the cover lines and my images I have used on my magazine link very well as I have the images of what the cover lines are talking about e.g. a cover line talks about the deck area and i have an image of what this area looks like which will give students an idea of what they will be looking for if they want to visit this part of the college. Also I have a cover line which talks about the A-levels of the college and their is an image on my magazine which shows a sign which is in the college of them telling us the A-levels which will give the students reassurance that they want to them to do well and they believe in the students. I could have added more cover lines to give them more gossip about the college as this is what students would want to hear, so if I had to make any improvements I would include more gossip about whats going on around college and students to draw my audience in with the magazine and make them maybe want to read this magazine more.
Cover of my magazine: I have used 3 colours on my magazine as I know that a magazine has a typical 3 colour rule. The colours i have used for my college magazine are pink, blue and green. Then I have the basic colours white and black to give the finishing touches to my magazine to make the 3 colour rule stand out to the readers. I used these colours as it looks fun, bright and noticeable and I got the idea of these colours through the actual Hyde Clarendon colours of the college which I thought would be appropriate. I believe that the font sizes of my magazine are well thought out as a typical magazine has a masthead which has much bigger font that everything else and this is what i have stuck to as it makes the masthead stand out from everything else and this is the first thing my target audience will look at and this would give them the introduction of what this magazine will be about. As for the cover lines I have done these much smaller than the masthead which is stereotypically what you would see on any kind of magazine. I have done the cover lines all the same font so my magazine is consistent throughout and will flow easily for my audience to read. Although I think my publishing line could have been a bit bigger looking at the full effect of my magazine, I think this would make it stand out more as I think it looks slightly lost within the magazine cover. The photograph I have taken to go on the main cover as my magazine is clear and not blurred which i think is good as it has to stand out as this what what everyone will have their eye on. I think my photograph is appropriate as my magazine is to do with college so i have took an image of a student that actually goes to the college presented and has typical student clothing on. I do think the cover lines on my magazine front cover are appropriate as they are to do with the college and the things going on in and around college. One cover line says 'best A-level's in the area' and the picture of the student is all smiles which shows she is happy with the college and wants the best for herself.
Contents page: I have stuck with the 3 colour rule throughout my magazine as I have used the same colours on my contents page as I have the front cover which is pink, blue and green. I have used the same font for my masthead and my cover lines for the consistency of my magazine to make them look like the are part of the same magazine which I think is a typical thing to do to make your magazine look complete. I think the cover lines and my images I have used on my magazine link very well as I have the images of what the cover lines are talking about e.g. a cover line talks about the deck area and i have an image of what this area looks like which will give students an idea of what they will be looking for if they want to visit this part of the college. Also I have a cover line which talks about the A-levels of the college and their is an image on my magazine which shows a sign which is in the college of them telling us the A-levels which will give the students reassurance that they want to them to do well and they believe in the students. I could have added more cover lines to give them more gossip about the college as this is what students would want to hear, so if I had to make any improvements I would include more gossip about whats going on around college and students to draw my audience in with the magazine and make them maybe want to read this magazine more.
Friday, 21 September 2012
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Research and planning magazine images
These are the images I have used for my magazine, I have chosen these ones because I thought they were clear and appropriate for my cover lines and the main picture of the front of magazine.
This is an image I didn't use in my magazine as i thought the above image looked more clearly ans would suit my magazine better.
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Friday, 14 September 2012
Research and planning target audience
I am setting my college magazine for a certain target audience, this will be the main focus of the magazine which will help me decide on what stories I should write and the layout of the magazine. My target audience will be for 16 year old students who have just started college and are taking A level courses as a subject. I will be focusing on the courses and options to take and for them to get more of an idea on what they will learn throughout the years. On a more exciting hand as a student myself would want to know what enrichment's you can go on and the trips, this will also be included in the magazine to grab my target audience's attention and to get them involved. My target audience will also want to know the gossip in and around the college grounds so this will definitely be the main aspect of my college magazine and every student will want to know and understand what is happening around them.
Thursday, 13 September 2012
research and planning interviews
For my college magazine i went round and asked members of my target audience advice to improve/ the things I could make better on my magazine. I got some positive feedback from this. The individuals I asked had different opinions on different aspects on the draft magazine.
Student 1
- They would suggest to include stories on the enrichment's and activities.
- They wouldn't pay for a college magazine.
- They wouldn't choose black as a college scheme, they would choose light colours.
- The layout is fine for my magazine.
- They would suggest to include stories about the clubs and whats going on in the college.
- They said i should use a purple colour for the colour scheme.
- They would pay for a college magazine but only a small amount e.g. 50p.
- They would suggest 'juicy gossip' about students and college.
- They would use colours that would stand out to the audience.
- They would pay around £1.50 for a college magazine.
- The masthead and the layout of the magazine is completely fine.
research and plannng interview questions
I have thought of 5 different questions to ask my target audience on how I could improve my college magazine and what they think would catch their attention the most.
The questions are:
1)What stories would you read or suggest in the magazine?
2)What colours would suit the college theme?
3)Would you pay for a college magazine. if so how much?
4)Is there a better masthead you could think of?
5)Do you think the layout of my magazine is good enough?
The questions are:
1)What stories would you read or suggest in the magazine?
2)What colours would suit the college theme?
3)Would you pay for a college magazine. if so how much?
4)Is there a better masthead you could think of?
5)Do you think the layout of my magazine is good enough?
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
research and planning medium close up examples

For my college magazine I have to use a medium close up image, I have researched these images and found some medium close up shots that have gave me an idea of what type of photographs I have to take for my magazine.
research and planning college magazine
I can definitely tell that this is a college magazine as it clearly states in the masthead, you cant really see the masthead properly which comes across as what a teenager would do as they wouldn't really think about not being able to see the masthead because a picture is more important. The clothes that this college student is wearing is modern and stereotypically what teenagers would wear as their day to day outfits.This student is also holding college books in his hand which clearly relates to college life and the subjects the college students can choose from throughout their years. The facial expression of this student is happy and jolly which shows the student is enjoying college which attracts the readers to the magazine more. The cover lines which stand out on this magazine cover is all to do with the college theme which states that this is definitely a magazine which will sell in and around college, in the cover line it uses language associated with college. For example 'future' 'thank-god its Friday's' which is the typical language you will hear everyday.
research and planning in design tutorial
This is what I created on in design. I decided to choose The Dark Knight Rises film review as it had a lot of body of writing to fill up the columns on the page. Firstly i opened a new document and wen up to layout and chose the ruler guides button and added vertical lines. I then saved the body of writing and the picture for the document to my desktop to use in the review. After that i went to 'place' and then insert which brought up the documents I have saved and then uploaded them onto my double page spread. As only a little bit of writing came up, within my columns I dragged the writing down to the areas I wanted my writing to be and then moved my picture to where I wanted it also. I added a title which is the 'T' button on the left hand side of the page and made a box then added the text in what I wanted my review to be called. I then decided I wanted to change the colour by highlighting the text and going on 'swatches'. Finally I wanted to change my background colour to make my review stand out, I did this by pressing the rectangle tool and added a colour of my choice which covered the whole body of writing and picture, I changed this by sending it to the back which resulted the reader being able to read the text.
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
research and planning photoshop film poster
This is a photo shop transformation of Zac Efron to Justin Bieber, I did this by using photoshop. Firstly I dragged two images onto the photo shop program and then cut around Justin Biebers head and rubbed out parts of the image that I didnt need to then put onto the film poster, I did this by using the magnetic lasso tool and the rubber tool. Once I did this I then used the image button to change the colour balance, shade and brightness and contrast of the image to blend into the poster so it looked more realistic.
Monday, 10 September 2012
Research and planing photoshop challenge
This is a photoshop challenge I had to complete as a task in media. It shows the skills you have to have on photoshop and all the different tools you can use. For example changing the colour and font size of the text and giving it a drop shadow like I have done here. Changing the background with the box tool and making sure the text is in front of it. Placing a picture of a person in photoshop and changing their hair colour by using the brush tool and changing the opacity of the brush. Then finally putting a border around your completed picture.
Saturday, 8 September 2012
research and planning skin tutorial
I got the image of a girl who had a few blemishes on her face, so our task was to get rid of them to make her skin look flawless. I did this by using a spot healing tool. Then I made a duplicate layer to make the smart-blur on her face to make the shine go off her face. Then we was asked to change the colour of her hair, give her some eye make-up and add lipstick to make the image more airbrushed. I achieved all this by using the brush tool and changed the colours to which I felt was appropriate and this was the end result.
Friday, 7 September 2012
research and planning CD tutorial
First I uploaded 3 images onto photo shop so I could see them all together, then I cut the CD out from its background which left me with just the CD to put onto the background layer of my image, I changed it to whatever colour i wanted by going on the image adjustment and changed the colour balance. Then I got the horn which was a green color at first and selected the magic tool button and selected the white part of the image, then pressed 'similar' and then inverse to just cut out the horn from its background, then I used the colour balance again to change it to brass. After that I placed the horn and music notes in place to look like the notes are coming out of the horn to look realistic. Finally I added text to show that this is what i created and transformed it so it has a shadowed background and made the font a bigger size, then changed the pattern on the background to what suited my image.
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