Thursday, 13 September 2012

research and planning interviews

For my college magazine i went round and asked members of my target audience advice to improve/ the things I could make better on my magazine. I got some positive feedback from this. The individuals I asked had different opinions on different aspects on the draft magazine.

Student 1
  • They would suggest to include stories on the enrichment's and activities.
  • They wouldn't pay for a college magazine.
  • They wouldn't choose black as a college scheme, they would choose light colours. 
  • The layout is fine for my magazine. 
Student 2
  • They would suggest to include stories about the clubs and whats going on in the college. 
  • They said i should use a purple colour for the colour scheme.
  • They would pay for a college magazine but only a small amount e.g. 50p.       
Student 3
  • They would suggest 'juicy gossip' about students and college.
  • They would use colours that would stand out to the audience.
  • They would pay around £1.50 for a college magazine.
  • The masthead and the layout of the magazine is completely fine.                                                                                                                                                                 

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