Thursday, 11 April 2013
Evaluation question 7: IshowU
This is my IshowU for question 7 and is explaining how I have progressed throughout the year.
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Evaluation question 7
These are two of the magazines I have created, the one at the top was the college magazine that I had to create at the beginning of the year and the progress I have made to make my music magazine. As you can tell there is a lot of difference between the two of the magazines. The layout of my college magazine is very spacious and doesn't look professional at all. I have used a black background which I think now doesn't look appealing to the audience as it doesn't stand out. It is a very simple magazine and wouldn't catch the audiences eye. It also looks childish compared to the music magazine I have created. The coverlines are very simple and doesn't have anything exciting about them, they are all the same text and the same style and with a good magazine you need to be creative which is what I have tried to be with my music magazine. The image on my front cover is taken off a normal camera so it isn't as good a quality as it could have been, also you can see the lines around the image where I have cut it out which doesn't look professional.
With my music magazine I think its looks a lot more professional and like I have taken more interest in what I was doing. The layout of this magazine looks very fun which is what I wanted to come across to the audience as its a pop theme. The colours I have used are attractive and stand out to the audience which would make them want to read inside. I have used more images on the front of this magazine as this would be more appealing that having just text on the front cover. The coverlines are all completely different to each other which gives my magazine variety. Also on the front of my magazine I have used effects on the text to give it its own style. Overall I think I have progressed on my skills very much throughout the year as you can tell by the two magazines I have created.
This is my college magazine contents page and my music magazine contents page, as you can see the layout of my college magazine is very simple and boring, it doesn't stand out one bit. The black background is the main thing you would focus on and you completely ignore the text, because the size of the text is too small which makes my magazine look very unprofessional. Again the contents page looks very childlike by the fonts I have used and just isn't appealing to the audience. The images I have used on my magazine are very bad quality as you can see they are slightly blurry. It looks like I didn't take my magazine seriously by the layout I have used. It just looks unorganized.
My music magazine contents page looks like the theme it should be, the colours are consistent throughout the magazine and it just looks fun to read and very appealing to the audience. The layout I have used makes the contents page look fun with lots of stuff to look at and read about which is what I wanted it to look like, there is not much space to put anymore information on my magazine which is what the pop genre is like, very full and colourful. I have used a variety of images on this contents page which are clear and all to do with what the audience would want to see, like the makeup; they would want to know about fashion in the magazine which is what they would expect so this is what I have included, this shows that I have given more thought into my magazine.
The IshowU hasn't been working very well at this moment in time but there will be a video to follow.
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Evaluation question 6 ishowu
This is my ishowu video that I have created to explain the technologies I have used throughout the process.
Evaluation question 6

- These are the technologies I have used throughout the process of my music magazine and I will be talking about how I have used them and what I have learn't through an IshowU on my next post.
- I used indesign to create the contents page on the college magazine, the main difference between this and photoshop is you can use columns to put the text in which is what I did on my college magazine, I didn't use this on my music magazine as I didn't need to use the columns specifically and I found photoshop easier to use.
Evaluation question 6: What I've Learnt
- Throughout the process of creating both my college magazine and my music magazine, I have learnt many things. One of them being the tools you can use on photoshop, before starting the media course I had never even heard of some of the softwares that I have used to create these magazines, you can make shapes, edit text, use the magic wand tool to cut around the images for the front cover and contents of the magazine, you can also zoom in closely to make the cutting more accurate.
- I used a SLR camera to take my main photo to make the image clear and tried to get the best lighting, there was different settings you could use to make the quality of the image better, like putting the flash on if there was darker lighting to make the image stand out more.
- On prezi I learnt how to link text boxes and images together to make a path in order to show the right order in which I created my magazine and could also add effects to make the writing and images spin around.
- A main part of this task was to use blogger to upload posts on the progress of my magazine and the things I have learn't to keep track of where I'm up to. I learn't how to upload images and videos onto blogger and how to create new posts and view my blog to see if I can see any changes that would make it look better.
Monday, 18 March 2013
Friday, 15 March 2013
Evaluation question 4
This is a drawing of my target audience member who I think would be the typical person to buy my magazine. I have talked about the style of clothing they would wear, the type of music they would listen to, where they would shop, the interests they would have and what they may watch on the television. I have chosen this type of audience member because it looks like a typical girl who would be interested in clothes, music, fashion, charts as you can tell by the way I have dressed her, she would wear the typical colours of clothes that I have chosen to use for my magazine to attract them.
Monday, 11 March 2013
Evaluation question 3
Friday, 8 March 2013
Evaluation question 2
This is an image that I thought that represented my magazine image, I think that my model and this celebrity has the same type of look and style. They both have brown long hair which is waved down onto the front of their body. They are both leaning slightly to the left to show that they have confidence about them and are enjoying what they do. Their facial expressions that are shown are clear that they can have a laugh and are engaging the reader to a fun time which is what I wanted to come across through my magazine. They are both wearing a white top to make the makeup and hair stand out and it also looks very clear and professional. The makeup that I used on my model are similar to the celebrity as they both have quite natural makeup with a touch of pink lipstick to make some of the facial features stand out. I have represented girls/young people to look fun but also have a cheeky side to them which would engage the audience, I have made her look cheeky by the facial expression she is doing which is pouting which shows she has confidence and her eyes are wide which also engages the reader. By the hair and make up it shows that she takes care of herself which is a typical girly girl as she wants to try and look her best all the time.
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Research and planning make up tests
I had to do make up tests on my model to see which look I thought suited my magazine better. I tried various make up tests on her but some didn't suit the style of my magazine. For example heavy eye makeup, I tried this and I thought it looked to dark and made it more in the style of R&B, so I decided to use quite plain make up on her so she looks fun and natural to go with the pop genre and used pale lipstick of pink to also go into the 3 colour rule I have used.
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Research and planning final edit on cover of magazine
I have made the background on my front cover slightly pink so it looks more complete as I thought the white background looked a bit to bright so this makes it look more professional and well thought out.
Monday, 18 February 2013
Research and planning picture for content
This is the picture I am going to use for my contents page as I think she looks like a typical pop girl by the clothes she is wearing and her facial expression on the camera.
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Research and planning progress on double page spread
This is my progress on the double page spread, I have used colours to go with the theme and I just need to add the interview questions.
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Research and planning changes
I have changed the brightness on my magazine as I thought the natural image wasn't engaging enough to my audience now you can see the model clearly on the front of my magazine.
Research and planning contents page analysis
I have analyzed this pop contents magazine to give me some ideas on the elements that I could include in my magazine.
Friday, 1 February 2013
Research and planning: start of double page spread
This is the start of my double page spread, the font I have chosen to use goes with the theme of the interview I will be having with Ovine. The interview is all about being an up and coming celebrity. The interview questions that I am going to ask Ovine will be placed in small writing on the left below the masthead, the questions in one colour and the answers in another. In the middle of this text I will have pop out bubbles to highlight some of the answers that she has given. On the right of the page next to the masthead there will be a long shot image of Ovine and then quotes that she has given down the side of the image to make the double page spread look fuller.
Research and planning pictures for contents
I was going to use this picture on my contents page but I decided an individual photo would look better so I decided to leave this photo off my magazine as I could get one which is better quality.
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Research and planning magazine progress
This is my progress up to now, I have added an image to my front cover and made my contents page the same colours as my front cover to make it more consistant.
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Research and planning photos
These are some of the pictures I have taken for my magazine to try and go with the theme, I have taken some shots of the products and items that I own to create the pop theme of clothes and perfume and I have also took the pictures of my front cover model in various outfits to see which photo suits my magazine best.
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