Friday, 8 March 2013

Evaluation question 2

This is an image that I thought that represented my magazine image, I think that my model and this celebrity has the same type of look and style. They both have brown long hair which is waved down onto the front of their body. They are both leaning slightly to the left to show that they have confidence about them and are enjoying what they do. Their facial expressions that are shown are clear that they can have a laugh and are engaging the reader to a fun time which is what I wanted to come across through my magazine. They are both wearing a white top to make the makeup and hair stand out and it also looks very clear and professional. The makeup that I used on my model are similar to the celebrity as they both have quite natural makeup with a touch of pink lipstick to make some of the facial features stand out. I have represented girls/young people to look fun but also have a cheeky side to them which would engage the audience, I have made her look cheeky by the facial expression she is doing which is pouting which shows she has confidence and her eyes are wide which also engages the reader. By the hair and make up it shows that she takes care of herself which is a typical girly girl as she wants to try and look her best all the time.

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