Friday, 26 October 2012

Research and planning equipment and software

This is equipment I will be using to create my music magazine...

  • Imac
  • Camera
  • Photoshop
  • Indesign
  • Image capture
  • Internet- dafont

Research and planning costume and prop list

This is the costume and props I maybe use for my music magazine.

As I think I am using the shot type close up their wont really be any clothes in particular that I want them to wear but from my audience feedback from the questionnaires they think I should use a long shot which shows their full body, if I was to use this then I may make my model if it was to be a girl wear something high in fashion that a teenager would wear, for example high wasted pants with a top tucked in them, something that makes them look presentable for a magazine but also fun and inviting. I may make my model wear a fashionable hat that is currently in the fashion industry to make them look cool and again fun to the readers of my magazine.

As there will not be just one picture in my music magazine therefore I will have to consider other props and clothing I will use depending on my final draft of what I think will look the best on my magazine. As for now I think I will be using both genders in my magazine so the male gender will probably be wearing high fashion jeans with a t-shirt and maybe a jacket with a bag pack. I also maybe use some fun clothing in my magazine maybe for my double page spread like fancy dress to make it fun for the readers to read.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Research and planning target audience video

This is my target audience videos which gave me feedback on my drafts for my magazine telling me what things are good and maybe some things I could improve on, they said I shouldn't include anything else on my contents page as it would then make it look to packed and congested, they think my title is suitable for a pop magazine as it goes with the genre and said a medium close-up shot will be the best shot type as you will be able to see the expression on my models face and the features more clearly. The colours are appropriate as its a pop theme and the colours I have chosen for my draft relate to this genre and it is what colours most people relate to pop.

Research and planning audience questions

Audience Questions

1. Do you think the title is suitable for a pop magazine? if no what could be done better.

2. Do you think this medium close-up shot would look better than a long shot?

3. Do you think the colours are appropiate?

4. What stories would you expect in a pop magazine?

5. What price would you pay for a pop magazine?

6. Do you think the layout is good enough?

7. Do you think there is anything I could improve?

8. Do you think I should include more images on the contents page?

Research and planning music magazine drafts

This is the first drafts of my music magazine, I will now get my audience questions and feedback about these drafts and see what they think of them and if I can improve them in any way.

Research and planning idea

This gave me some good ideas on how to lay my music magazine out, I like the style of the magazine as I think it would suit the theme of what I want to create.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Research and planning questionnaire results

This is the results for the questionnaire I handed out to 10 people to help me with my music magazine.They key bits i will use from my audience feedback is the stories I will use in my magazines this is what my audience would think would best suit my magazine and I agree as these are the main type of stories you would expect to see in this type of genre. The colour type has also helped me as I was struggling deciding on the certain colours I wanted and this made me make a decision on what to choose and what will look the best, my audience feedback have named a price on what they would pay for a magazine so this has helped me choose a final price to put on my magazine, I can also trust these opinions as most of my audience feedback read magazines and listen to the genre I have chosen.

Research and planning production schedule

This is my production schedule that I will try to follow as best as I can.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Research and planning podcast

This is my first podcast covering September and a bit of October showing all my work so far.

Research and planning questionnarie

This is my questionnaire to help me with my music magazine.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Research and planning analysis of contents page

Genre: The genre of this music magazine is clearly pop, a main distinction to this is in the top right hand corner where it says 'we heart pop' which gives it away slightly. There are many other reasons why you can tell this is a pop magazine, one of them being the images on the contents of this magazine. Most the celebrities on this magazine are pop music artists and some of the other images are represented as having the pop image look. Also the text style of the magazine. It looks like a fun type of text and they have made it unique by highlighting certain letters and making them look filled in which looks like this is something that a child/young adult would do.
Target audience: This now leads on to the target audience that the magazine is reaching out to. As they have made the text look fun and as their is quite a lot of pictures on just the contents page of this magazine this highlights that this pop magazine is aimed at 14-16 year olds, as people this age are more interested in looking at pictures than they are reading lots of text. They would be also interested more in celebrities lives and what they get up to as they fantasize and idolize celebrities at this age and this is why they have put so many pictures on the contents of this magazine. I think this pop magazine can be aimed at both females and males as the 3 colours they have used on the magazine can be thought of as mixed colours so its not say 'pink' for girls but I would say they have based their target audience as for girls as girls are more likely to buy a pop magazine than a boy would.
Layout: The layout to this magazine looks very energetic as there is boxes tilted to the size and behind others, its very fun looking and i believe this is made to represent the pop genre as this is know to be fun music that people can enjoy and dance along to. The layout has an effective way about it as the different colours used on it makes everything about the contents page stand out and looks like it would grab the readers attention. It is very full filled, there is a lot going on seen as though its just one page and has much to offer to the customers. The text that is made to grab the readers attention is split up into sections which makes it look more interesting than having paragraphs of writing and they have done this to attract their target audience. The coverlines are also in different colours that go with the theme as this makes the writing look more enjoyable to read and makes the coverlines of the story seem good and stand out more. The pictures and text are not in a set, neat order which looks professional and well thought out they are all mixed in with each other which again makes it more fun and suitable to its target audience and the pop magazine theme.
Media language and representative: The main shot type on the photo in the middle of the contents page is a medium-close up which is from their waist upwards but their are also many other images involved on this magazine which are close-ups, long shots etc. The main image brings the reader in as they are smiling happily which will catch the readers eye and come across more inviting to the magazine as its showing they are having a good time and again comes across to the reader as a 'fun and exciting' magazine

Research and planning analysis of double page spread

Genre: The genre to this double page spread looks like a pop/R&B type magazine, as the image comes across as quite funky and sexy but it also has the pop look about it through the image of who the person is 'beyonce' and the background colour.
Target audience: I think this article is mainly aimed at girls as steriotypically the colours within this article are more female colours, as they are pink and purple something you may not associate with boys but some boys may want to read this article as beyonce is an attractive person which will catch the boys attention which may be why they have put this particular picture on of her looking sexy and attractive. I would say this article is aimed at 16-18 year olds as it looks more grown-up with the deep colours used and the picture representing the older teenagers rather than they younger ones. The text style is blunt and bold which also comes across as an older look to the magazine rather than having the fun looking text style.
Layout: On this double page spread it has all the writing one one side with a big image on the other side which is effective as it makes it look more professional which would highlight their target audience age. They have made the text look effective and jaggered so it doesn't look to boring which again comes across as a funky kind of style to catch the readers attention, they have used different fonts in the title to make the article stand out and not look the same ans used different sizes and boldness for different effects on the reader.
Media language and representative: The shot type of the image on this double page spread is a close-up this gives the reader eye contact from the person in the image which makes them feel like you are involved and they are personally telling you as a reader their story. The look they have gave her is the grown-up sexy look with the opening of the mouth and the bold eyes and also the qwerky jacket she is wearing giving her the confident look.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Research and planning Top of the Pops magazine

This is a second design I have chosen to use to help me with my music magazine front cover. Top of the Pops is a main pop magazine so this will give me an in site of the type of things I could use to make my music magazine look good but also professional. The audience for this magazine is definitely younger teenagers as its all bubbly and young looking the front of this magazine with all the different work art, boxes and colours used to create this young looking image. All of the coverlines are to do with the top celebrities as this is what the music industry is like and the readers want to get an in site to their lives and the things they do so this is something I should consider. The shot type of the main image of the magazine is a long shot as their full bodies are in the image so you can see the clothes they are wearing and the way they are standing. The masthead of this magazine is very bold and has the swirl in the 'S' to represent the pop style and also is very child like as well. The boys facial expressions for the magazine is very jolly and happy which is very inviting the to the reader and gives off a good impression for this magazine.

Research and planning billboard magazine

This is a design I will be looking at to help me with the cover of my music magazine media work. The genre I chosen is a pop magazine as you can see with the image above. You can tell this is a pop magazine as it has many different bright colours on it to make it stand out and look fun. The audience for this magazine i would say is for teenagers or young adults as represented by the main image on the font of the magazine, its cool and an up-to-date look by a massive pop star in the music industry Justin Bieber, he is a well known person which would catch the readers eye and may want to see whats in this magazine. There are many coverlines on this story in multiple colours and in many different fonts to make each coverline stand out from the rest and the blue background gives the coverlines a chance to stand out and drag the reader in. The masthead doesn't really stand out from the rest of the magazine in this front cover but as its a well known pop magazine this wouldn't matter, the font of the masthead looks fun and has the ark shaped letters in which is traditionally known as pop. The shot type of this magazine is medium long shot as it is from the hip upwards which shows off the persons style more and you can and as hes leaning over this looks like a 'cool' image. His facial expression also shows his confidence and the way he wants to put himself across to the reader and also what type of writing and pictures will be in the magazine.