Friday, 12 October 2012

Research and planning analysis of contents page

Genre: The genre of this music magazine is clearly pop, a main distinction to this is in the top right hand corner where it says 'we heart pop' which gives it away slightly. There are many other reasons why you can tell this is a pop magazine, one of them being the images on the contents of this magazine. Most the celebrities on this magazine are pop music artists and some of the other images are represented as having the pop image look. Also the text style of the magazine. It looks like a fun type of text and they have made it unique by highlighting certain letters and making them look filled in which looks like this is something that a child/young adult would do.
Target audience: This now leads on to the target audience that the magazine is reaching out to. As they have made the text look fun and as their is quite a lot of pictures on just the contents page of this magazine this highlights that this pop magazine is aimed at 14-16 year olds, as people this age are more interested in looking at pictures than they are reading lots of text. They would be also interested more in celebrities lives and what they get up to as they fantasize and idolize celebrities at this age and this is why they have put so many pictures on the contents of this magazine. I think this pop magazine can be aimed at both females and males as the 3 colours they have used on the magazine can be thought of as mixed colours so its not say 'pink' for girls but I would say they have based their target audience as for girls as girls are more likely to buy a pop magazine than a boy would.
Layout: The layout to this magazine looks very energetic as there is boxes tilted to the size and behind others, its very fun looking and i believe this is made to represent the pop genre as this is know to be fun music that people can enjoy and dance along to. The layout has an effective way about it as the different colours used on it makes everything about the contents page stand out and looks like it would grab the readers attention. It is very full filled, there is a lot going on seen as though its just one page and has much to offer to the customers. The text that is made to grab the readers attention is split up into sections which makes it look more interesting than having paragraphs of writing and they have done this to attract their target audience. The coverlines are also in different colours that go with the theme as this makes the writing look more enjoyable to read and makes the coverlines of the story seem good and stand out more. The pictures and text are not in a set, neat order which looks professional and well thought out they are all mixed in with each other which again makes it more fun and suitable to its target audience and the pop magazine theme.
Media language and representative: The main shot type on the photo in the middle of the contents page is a medium-close up which is from their waist upwards but their are also many other images involved on this magazine which are close-ups, long shots etc. The main image brings the reader in as they are smiling happily which will catch the readers eye and come across more inviting to the magazine as its showing they are having a good time and again comes across to the reader as a 'fun and exciting' magazine

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