Friday, 26 October 2012

Research and planning costume and prop list

This is the costume and props I maybe use for my music magazine.

As I think I am using the shot type close up their wont really be any clothes in particular that I want them to wear but from my audience feedback from the questionnaires they think I should use a long shot which shows their full body, if I was to use this then I may make my model if it was to be a girl wear something high in fashion that a teenager would wear, for example high wasted pants with a top tucked in them, something that makes them look presentable for a magazine but also fun and inviting. I may make my model wear a fashionable hat that is currently in the fashion industry to make them look cool and again fun to the readers of my magazine.

As there will not be just one picture in my music magazine therefore I will have to consider other props and clothing I will use depending on my final draft of what I think will look the best on my magazine. As for now I think I will be using both genders in my magazine so the male gender will probably be wearing high fashion jeans with a t-shirt and maybe a jacket with a bag pack. I also maybe use some fun clothing in my magazine maybe for my double page spread like fancy dress to make it fun for the readers to read.

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