Friday, 12 October 2012

Research and planning analysis of double page spread

Genre: The genre to this double page spread looks like a pop/R&B type magazine, as the image comes across as quite funky and sexy but it also has the pop look about it through the image of who the person is 'beyonce' and the background colour.
Target audience: I think this article is mainly aimed at girls as steriotypically the colours within this article are more female colours, as they are pink and purple something you may not associate with boys but some boys may want to read this article as beyonce is an attractive person which will catch the boys attention which may be why they have put this particular picture on of her looking sexy and attractive. I would say this article is aimed at 16-18 year olds as it looks more grown-up with the deep colours used and the picture representing the older teenagers rather than they younger ones. The text style is blunt and bold which also comes across as an older look to the magazine rather than having the fun looking text style.
Layout: On this double page spread it has all the writing one one side with a big image on the other side which is effective as it makes it look more professional which would highlight their target audience age. They have made the text look effective and jaggered so it doesn't look to boring which again comes across as a funky kind of style to catch the readers attention, they have used different fonts in the title to make the article stand out and not look the same ans used different sizes and boldness for different effects on the reader.
Media language and representative: The shot type of the image on this double page spread is a close-up this gives the reader eye contact from the person in the image which makes them feel like you are involved and they are personally telling you as a reader their story. The look they have gave her is the grown-up sexy look with the opening of the mouth and the bold eyes and also the qwerky jacket she is wearing giving her the confident look.

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