Wednesday 12 September 2012

research and planning in design tutorial

This is what I created on in design. I decided to choose The Dark Knight Rises film review as it had a lot of body of writing to fill up the columns on the page. Firstly i opened a new document and wen up to layout and chose the ruler guides button and added vertical lines. I then saved the body of writing and the picture for the document to my desktop to use in the review. After that i went to 'place' and then insert which brought up the documents I have saved and then uploaded them onto my double page spread. As only a little bit of writing came up, within my columns I dragged the writing down to the areas I wanted my writing to be and then moved my picture to where I wanted it also. I added a title which is the 'T' button on the left hand side of the page and made a box then added the text in what I wanted my review to be called. I then decided I wanted to change the colour by highlighting the text and going on 'swatches'. Finally I wanted to change my background colour to make my review stand out, I did this by pressing the rectangle tool and added a colour of my choice which covered the whole body of writing and picture, I changed this by sending it to the back which resulted the reader being able to read the text.

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